Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Alpine Mountain Ranch, Steamboat Springs

Developers are moving forward with their plans for the Steamboat Alpine Mountain Ranch. they are planning a land preservation subdivision in Steamboat Springs, CO where lots are grouped to minimize impact on the land and views. The result will be 952 acres of open space out of the 1,217 acre parcel. This development will be very high end due to it's topography, views and proximity to Priest Creek Ranch, Catamount and the Steamboat ski area.

Selected quotes from the Steamboat Pilot:
County to discuss subdivision proposal By Dana Strongin September 27, 2005

Commissioners will hold a pre-application conference for the Alpine Mountain Ranch, a proposed project east of the intersection of Routt County Road 24 and U.S. Highway 40 and across from Haymaker Golf Course just outside Steamboat Springs city limits

The principals in Steamboat Alpine Development are Andy Daly, who was president of Vail Resorts from 1982 to 2002, and Bill Butler, a Cincinnati-based developer who has owned a home in the Steamboat area for about eight years. They purchased the land in April for $19 million. The Alpine Mountain Ranch project includes a 1,217-acre land preservation subdivision exemption, which, when approved, means that the developer can create one additional home for every 100-acre cluster of land that is left as open space.

The proposal includes 43 home sites that would be built on, but not at the top of, three ridges. There would be ponds and several miles of hiking trails, according to background material provided to the county commissioners. The project also includes recreational facilities for horseback riding and fishing, as well as an on-site gravel crushing and screening operation. Motorists would drive to the development on existing access on C.R. 24 and new access off of U.S. 40. The "remainder" parcel, or designated open space, would equal 952 acres. The land is adjacent to the existing Priest Creek Ranch subdivision. Both parcels were once part of a higher-density residential proposal that also included a resort village and ski lift.

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