Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A New Closing at Marabou Ranch, overall signs of life in Steamboat

Some encouraging news from Marabou Ranch came in the form of a closing on a lot for $2.5M. Overall lot sales are limited right now so this speaks to the quality of the experience they deliver at Marabou, the relative value you can find in Steamboat compared to places like Vail & Aspen and people's continuing desire to spend more time in Steamboat Springs. This correlates with increasing amounts of positive news on the national front and the increasing likelihood that a recovery is in progress.

I have seen a big increase in sincere near term interest the last 4-5 weeks due in part to value, availability of people's first choice and the desire to realize goals while there are some good deals to be had. Volume within my firm is up significantly and we are seeing people in town after ski season specifically to look at property which didn't happen to often last fall.

Let me know if you would like to more insight into our current market here in Steamboat Springs and if there is an opportunity for you that makes sense. Call Jon at 970-819-6930 or email I hope that everyone has a great spring.

For more click back to the Steamboat Springs blog main page.

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